Freitag, 29. Juni 2007

Finished - YEAH !!!

Yeah, we have finished. Now as promised, our Screenshots:

Our Logo:



Menu 1
Menu 2


Lava-Level 1
Lava-Level 2
Lava-Level 3


Snow-Level 1
Snow-Level 2


Mountain-Level 1
Mountain-Level 2

Till the End !

Now, the end is near! No, I don't mean the end of the world ;-) After some really hard weeks/months our DreamBuildPlay-Entry has been finished. I didn't really had much sleep the last nights.

Tonight I have invited some of my friends to play the game in whole. Maybe we do some small fine-tuning, to make the game as nice and best-playable as possible. After that I am going to upload some screenshots of it and maybe a small video.

And now, I really want to thank my wife for supporting me so much. She didn't really set here eyes on me, the last few weeks. So for her appreciaton, I wanted to thank here so much. You have to keep in mind, that the game was produced beside my regular work (I am leading the software development at agorum Software GmbH), my wedding and my honeymoon-holidays.... So you can get a small hint about the time, I did not spend with my wife... And although I spent a lot of time with making this game !

Sonntag, 24. Juni 2007

My First Post


this is my first post in this blog. This blog is about CrystalGlyder (Yes it is Glyder, not Glider!). It is a XNA-Game running on the XBox360.

The game is about a glider that is flying around in different 3D locations (Mountains, Snow, Lava) and collecting crystals to get energy. Some of these crystals change the energy-color of your glider. With that energy-color the glider has the possibility to pass gates with the same color. There are also energy-gates that allow mixing the color of the glider with another color to get a color mixture.

With the combination of changing the energy color, passing through laser gates, flying around and on jumping on platforms, you have to find a way to the exit of the levels. But keep always an eye on your energy!

Sounds complicated? It isn't! We have integrated a learning curve, that leads you step by step into the game. The first level begins with a tutorial. An with every further level you learn the different possibilities. You will see: it is easy and making really fun!

With this game, you are getting a fresh and innovative mixture of Jump & Run-, Brain-, Action- and SpaceShip-Elements.

Technical background:
The game is basing on a completely custom created game engine. The models and levels have been designed with the 3D modelling program "Blender". The game has been nearly finished. The only things to do, would be some performance tweaks, shadow integration and maybe highscores and game-saving (at the moment, every level can be choosen, to start from). In whole, there are 9 Levels, that can be played!

We are going to submit this game to the DreamBuildPlay-Competition from Microsoft.

It has been a hard work till now. We are working really hard on nearly finishing the game till next week (this is the deadline of the competition). About 6 monts of really hard work has been put on this game.

We are really proud of our game and we hope, that we win a price at this competition.